Does it apply to the rest of the worlds right to the same
I always find it interesting that when ever we hear a speech from the US administrations through the years, they always refer to the defence of the US and its demoracy. Yet they do not seem to have the same regard for their treatment of other countries. On almost every occasion when the US govenment has interfeered with another countries soverignty, it has been for the defence of the US, the attack of many Sth American countries, Chile spings to mind, when the US admistration, supported the Military Overthrow of the elceted Left wing govenment and supported the Dictator Pinochet, not to mention Nicaragua, again they supported the overthrow of the Elected left wing government, in the case of Iran they supported the Shah and then when he was deposed by a popular rebellion, they supported the Iraqie invasion and subsequent 8 year war, supported the Israelie governments attacks against its neighbours, the list goes on, yet at no time were any of the governments they supported Democratic, nor were they elected, except for Israel.
So one has to ask, why do they do this, and why are we surprised when some attacks them, even though the killing of innocent people in any country is never justified, as in the case of 9/11, the question does go begging as to why the US administration feels it has the right to treat people of many other countries, in a similar fashion.
If the US wants to be treated with respect, and the safety of its citizens preserved, they will only achieve this by treating the soverignty of others with the same respect, other wise they will continue to be attacked by terror groups, it is that simple, respect others, and work with the rest of the world to bring about "real" democratic change.