What is the problem with this group in your country, first the ten commandments, now christmas trees in public. Christians have the right to celebrate christmas, get off their case, what happened to the freedom of worship you guys are supposed to have. The so called politically correct liberals of the US, really have gone too far, pedophiles are free to preech their doctrine but not christians, why cause some people are not christian. These peopl would best be termed as wankers, more corrctly atheists with nothing to offer the community, yet to remove critism of this they attack others for no good reason. A recent study of religion in Australia has shown a trend away from athesim , due in the main to a lack of community and support, things which people need in their life for stability, all of us want to belong and have a sense of what is right and wrong. As security for all is eroded , for several reasons economic, terrorism, the media, people look to religions or other forms of support for a sense of community, identity, now we want to strip this away, just caus some of us are not of that faith, very sad people, especially those that would deprive their children, because of their own beliefs. These are the same people who have naming ceromonies, instead of christenings, why they believe their children should have the right to choose, fair enough, but why borrow from the christian tradition, like marriage, this is a religious ritual, marriage is recognised by the law just by a period of cohabitation. What happens when they get rid of christmas, will they replace that with their own secular version, get a life and leave people alone, look at real issues, and help address them. As I said these people are just wankers, with no real sense of other people's rights or feelings.
What I am thankful for is tht we do not have a group such as this in the country I live in, the subject hs been debated and even the most liberal of commentators have decided the best course of action is to open our culture to all instead of removing it, thus improving understanding all cultures.