Not out to get The Yankee Infedels, wants a holy war
Published on November 18, 2003 By zergimmi In Politics
The recent attacks in Turkey just go to show, OBL and his cronies are not out for revenge, this is an attempt to incite hatred among Muslims against all people who do not adhere to the Orthodox version that OBL would believes to be the true path, this is born out by recent attacks against countries that whilst they may be Islamic are not Governed in the way of say Iran or Sudan.
This doe not rule out revenge attacks. However it does seem that real MO is that suggested above. This is far more worrying, maybe people will now start to realize this is a threat to all Christian, Muslim, Jew, atheists or whatever. Love them or loath them the coalition of the willing did have a point in relation to this issue.
on Nov 18, 2003
I find it mind boggling that our NPR (National Public Radio) station actually refers to OBL as an "alleged terrorist". Alleged?!
on Nov 19, 2003
A bit like the gyu who is alleged to have murdered 48 women in the US, even though he has already admitted he did, months ago.
on Dec 21, 2003
Khazkstan is a major player in this whole scheme which is essentially over oil rights. A major oil conglomerate of the united states has held oil rights in the middle east for quite some time, however with the infighting in the region they have never been able to do anything about it. The ideal is to pacify the middle east so that the oil corporation can run a pipline through this area and the only way to do this is to start lies and bomb the crap out of them. The truth is out there look for it ~winks~