EU trade Tariffs do not help European Businesses, They only serve to prop up the inefficient local industries, which in itself means that Europe will continue to slip behind the rest of the world in producing competitive products and services.
Tariffs only serve to stifle real improvements and development of new technologies, not to mention driving up the cost of imports and more importantly for Europe, \tariffs drive up the cost of local production which relies on imported raw materials or components.
The EU needs to realize that their Tariffs will be counter productive, due to the need for Countries exporting to them need to improve technology and efficiency to be able to produce a competitive product. Of course the effect of this is that the EU businesses will only slip further behind the rest of the world, creating a very dangerous situation in the future for EU producers.
The other reality is that the high cost of locally produced goods which do not need to compete and the cost of imports will drive up inflation in European countries, slowing growth and jobs, in the long term, Europe will hurt itself more than its competitors.