I was reading an article the other day in Australian PC Authority, about Google and its competitors, and lo and behold there is yet another search engine on the market, but searching a different way , I have loaded it and am trying it at this stage it seems to be worth a look, the name is "blinkx" and you can get more info at blinkx.com, it is free to use.
I know that most of you guys are dedicated Windows people, and so am I otherwise how could I skin , which I will admit is something I really have relegated to my list of favourite hobbies, and am starting to realise the potential that the group of Stardock products give one who is involved in Web development and Corporate Image Design, that said I also have a strong affection for Linux, so much so that I am slowly including it in my consulting business as it becomes relevant to my Clients. R...
Microsoft in essence is a software producer, and is very good at this, to a point that this is one of its main strengths, by this I mean they do not produce hardware, nor are they heavily involved in services. Sadly it is my believe that this may prove to be their Achilles heal. Microsoft relies heavily on the sales of its two main stable mates, Windows and Office, this in itself is again a strength and a weakness, it does allow them to focus on providing a good operating platform suitable fo...
Why is it that people seem to have it in for Microsoft, I have windows xp on two system and Lindows on two. Other than windows I do not use much MS Software, mainly due to the fact that I do not need ll thefeatures that Office offers , so I use Star Office, however if I needed MS Office I would use it, simple. If you don't want it don't buy it. Just make sure what you use can share file with MS. I use Lindows for te sames reason, on these machines the software is ll web based, therefore the OS ...
I often find especially with MAC users a sense of superiority, when it comes to OSs, some of this was true, however the reality is that whatever your need is today there is an OS out there for you. I am generally a windows user, partly because any thing I can do on a Mac I can now do in windows, plus I am a big Stardock Junkie, and am always happy to get my friends hooked as well, probably I am a control freak and like my machines to look and work the way I like. This said I also have a bu...